Dominic Byron-Chance
Dom qualified from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham in 2015. After spending several years in first opinion practice, Dom undertook a dedicated 18-month exotics species clinical internship, followed by a 3-year ECZM avian residency program in Wiltshire (UK) which he completed in 2024. Dom holds a General Practitioner Certificate in Exotic Animal Practice with the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies. Dom is the Head of Exotics Service at Southfields Veterinary Specialists (Essex, UK).
Dom has spent the majority of his career working exclusively in the field of exotic, wildlife, and zoological medicine. Dom has an active interest in teaching and research, and frequently presents at national and international conferences and courses. Dom has a clinical interest in exotic species oncology, including novel diagnostic and treatment options of cancer in exotic species.