Mellora Sharman
Mellora graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2003, spending time in small animal general practice before gaining further experience through clinical positions at the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland. She completed a clinical residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at Murdoch University in Perth, becoming a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2012.
Mellora has been in the UK since 2014, working first as maternity leave cover at the University of Glasgow before joining the Animal Health Trust as a Senior Clinician in Small Animal Internal Medicine for five years. There she was involved with resident training and clinical research until the AHTs closure in 2020. She has since worked within the VetCT Team providing Teleconsulting services to general practice clients around the globe, and continues to regularly work clinical locums throughout the UK.
Mellora regularly contributes to teach through postgraduate coursework and lectures. She has contributed to publications on a range of topics including gastroenterology, sinonasal aspergillosis, and antibiotic stewardship, amongst others. Mellora enjoys all aspects of internal medicine, but particularly enjoys infectious disease and gastroenterology.