Chris Linney

BVSc MSc CertAVP(VC) DipECVIM CA (Cardiology) MRCVS

Nathalie Wissink

Lic.Vet CertAVP(ZM) DipZooMed(Reptilian) RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine MRCVS

Ela Mederska

DVM CertAVP(VC) PGCert VPS AFHEA MRCVS DipECVIM-CA(Cardiology) EBVS®European and RCVS Specialist Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Cardiology

Maria Ines Oliveira

DVM MSc MRCVS Dip.ECVIM-CA, EBVS® European and RCVS Recognised Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Cardiology