Laure Gatel
DVM, PhD, DipECVDI, Spécialiste Européen en Imagerie Médicale Vétérinaire
- 2019 – PhD, Université de Gand
- 2017 – DipECVDI, Spécialiste Européen en Imagerie Médicale Vétérinaire
- 2013-2017 – Résidente en Imagerie médicale, Petits Animaux, à l’Université Vétérinaire de Gand, sous la Supervision de J. Saunders, à Merelbeke, Belgique. Etudiante Boursière
- 2012-2013 – Internat specialisé en Imagerie médicale à l’Université Vétérinaire de Gand, à Merelbeke, Belgique.
- 2011-2012 – Internat de Médecine et Chirurgie des animaux de compagnie à l’ENVA, à Alfort, France
- 2011 – Docteur vétérinaire, diplômé de l’Ecole Vétérinaire de Lyon, à Marcy l’Etoile, France
Expérience professionnelle
- Depuis 2023 – Fondatrice et gérante de SudVetia
- 2022-2023 – Radiologue à Vetoption à Aix-en-Provence
- 2021-2022 – Radiologue au CHV Pommery à Reims
- Depuis 2020 – Membre du RIVDI pour l’ECVDI
- 2018-2021 – Membre du GEIM de l’AFVAC
- Depuis 2017 – Radiologue consultante en Téléradiologie pour la compagnie ANTECH IMAGING SEVICIES
- 2017-2020 – Radiologue à Azurvet (Cagnes sur mer et St Laurent du Var)
- 2011 – Remplacement de 2 semaines dans la Clinique vétérinaire des docteurs RAYBEAU & HAKIM, Villeneuve-Loubet, France
- 2010-2011 – Gardes de nuits et de weekends dans la Clinique Vétérinaire des docteurs ARDEEF & CARREL, Bron, France
- 2010 – Remplacement HAYOT, BELLMANN, DUTTO & ETIENNE, in medicine and surgery small animals practice, Nice, France
Publications dans des articles scientifiques
Besson J, Morimoto T, Wang C, Wang c, Gatel L. Attitudes and practices of French and Chinese veterinarians towards the use of radiographs and teleradiology: Results of online survey. Revue Vétérinaire Clinique. Volume 59, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 7-16
Azoulay F, Girard N, Gatel L, Besson J, Fritz J. OEstrus ovis sinusitis in a dog. VetRecord CaseReports 2023; volume 11, issue 4.
Olender M, Couturier J, Couturier L, Gatel L, Brissot H. Double Adjacent Ventral Slots in Cervical Disc Extrusion with Epidural Haemorrhage in Four French Bulldogs. VCOT Open 2022; 05(02): e106-e110
Olender M, Couturier J, Gatel L, Cauvin E. Cervical jerks as a sign of cervical pain or myelopathy in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2023 Feb 2:1-7.
Bruwier A, Godart B, Gatel L, Leperlier D, Bedu AS. Computed tomographic assessment of retrograde urohydropropulsion in male dogs and prediction of stone composition using Hounsfield unit in dogs and cats. J Vet Sci. 2022 Sep;23(5):e65.
Testault I, Gatel L, Vanel M. Comparison of nonenhanced computed tomography and ultrasonography for detection of ureteral calculi in cats : a prostective study. J Vet Intern Med. 2021 Sep ;35 (5) : 2241-2248.
Girard N, Cauvin E, Gauthier O, Gatel L. The Use of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Substitute (BCP) in Mandibular Defects Case Series in Dogs: Use of CBCT to Evaluate Bone Healing. Journal of Veterinary Dentistery, 2021, 1-10
Benzimra C, Cerasoli I, Rault D, Chalvet-Monfray K, Cauvin E, Courturier L, Gatel L. Computed tomographic features of gastric and esophageal content in dogs undergoing CT myelography and factors influencing the presence of esophageal fluid. E Vet Sci. 2020 Nov ;21(6) :e84
Decôme M, Cuq B, Fairbrother JH, Gatel L, Conversy B. Clinical significance of Proteus mirabilis bacteriuria in dogs, risk factors and antimicrobial susceptibility. Can J Vet Res. 2020 Oct;84(4):252-258
Gatel L, Rault DN, Chalvet-Monfray K, De Rooster H, Levy X, Chiers K, Saunders JH. Ultrasonography of the normal reproductive tract of the female domestic cat. Theriogenology. 2020 Jan 15;142:328-337
Vera L, Muylle S, Van Loon G, Gatel L, Martens A, Venderperren K. Internal jugular vein phlebectasia in a one‐year‐old Warmblood stallion. Equine Veterinary education, April 2020
Gatel L, Gory G, Chalvet-Monfray K, Saunders D, Rault D. Intra- and inter-observer variability of ultrasonographic measurements of the uterus and ovaries in healthy non pregnant queens. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. January 2015.
Gatel L, Rault DR, Chalvet-Monfray K, Saunders J, Buff S. Prediction of parturition time in queens using radiography and ultrasonography. Anatomia, Histologia and embryologia. 2014
Gatel L, Gory G, De Pauw B, Rault DR. Diagnosis and ultrasound-guided retrieval of a vaginal foreign body in a dog and a cat. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift. 2014, 83: 55-59.
Gory G, Rault DR, Gatel L, Dally C, Belli P, Couturier L, Cauvin E. Ultrasonographic caracteristics of the abdominal esophagus and cardia in dogs. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 2014, DOI: 10.111/vru.12156
Couturier L, Rault D, Gatel L, Belli P. Ultrasonographic characterization of the feline cardia and pylorus in 34 healthy cats and three abnormal cats. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound. 2012 janv 26
Gatel L, Rosset E, Chalvet-Monfray K, Buff S, Rault DN. Relationships between fetal biometry, maternal factors and birth weight of purebred domestic cat kittens. Theriogenology. 2011 dec;76(9):1716–22.