Ane Uriarte

DVM, MRCVS, DipECVN, EBVS® European Specialist In Veterinary Neurology And RCVS Specialist In Veterinary Neurology

Ane graduated from the University of Zaragoza but completed the last two years of university as well as her residency at the Veterinary School of Maisons ALfort in Paris (ENVA) where she obtained the diploma of the European College of Veterinary Neurology in 2011. After working as a neurologist and neurosurgeon at NDSR for 8 years, she moved to the United States where for more than 3 years she was an associate professor and clinician at the neurology and neurosurgery service at Tufts University in Boston. Ane is now the Head of Neurology Service at Southfields Veterinary Specialist.

Ane is a regular speaker at international conferences and courses and continues a regular clinical research activity. Her main areas of interest include intracranial neurosurgery and CSF disorders. Ane promotes continuing education in neurology with her Instagram, Youtube channel and Facebook page called: @ane.neuro and her free neurology page Neuronavet