Management of Hyperkalemia

When should hyperkalemia be treated? It is usually from levels above 6.5 mEq/L. Above 7.5 mEq/L treatment should be more aggressive.   ¿Qué fármacos usamos para tratarla? Drug Dose Mechanism of action Comments Calcium gluconate 10% 0.5 – 1.5 ml/kg slow IV with ECG It reduces cardiac excitability by restoring the gradient between resting potential […]

Use of freestyle in diabetic cats

The free freestyle system is a system that is intended for use in diabetics to read glucose in the interstitial fluid in the blood. This means that there will be some differences with the results we get at the same time in blood, and also that we are working with a species for which the […]

Emergency management of patients with tracheal collapse

Introduction Tracheal collapse occurs frequently in small breeds. Both the intrathoracic and extrathoracic portions may be affected, also extending into the main bronchus. Its aetiology lies in a deficiency in the cartilage matrix, which results in a collapse of the tracheal lumen.   Diagnosis I) Clinical signs: cough, severe cough after exercise-excitation, syncope after coughing […]