Clinical signs in feline hypertension

The clinical signs that can be observed are based on the lesions caused in the target organs:

  • In the eyes: retinopathies (from retinal detachments to papillary oedema, or bullous retinopathies, ingurgitation of retinal vessels to sudden blindness with severe mydriasis). We can also observe haemorrhages in both retina and anterior chamber hyphema.
  • In the kidneys: progressive renal disease with proteinuria, due to glomerulopathy and tubulopathy.
  • In the heart: acute heart failure, arrhythmias and murmurs. This is due to chronic vascular resistance which makes the heart work harder.
  • In the central nervous system: depression, dementia, disorientation and seizures.

Generally, these clinical signs can be easily demonstrated if the patient is properly assessed in consultation. These presentations are often categorised as chronic presentations. However, the cat often comes to our centres for an exacerbation. At this time, alterations can be diagnosed when severe organ damage has occurred, e.g. blindness, stroke, congestive heart failure or renal decompensation.


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