Elizabeth Mullineaux
BVM&S, DVM&S, CertSHP, FRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Wildlife Medicine (Mammalian)
Liz worked in mixed practice, overseas and in the UK, before settling in Somerset as a director of a small animal veterinary hospital. Having developed an interesting in British wildlife, she completed a clinical doctorate investigating the factors influencing badger rehabilitation and release and gained RCVS Specialist status via this route. More recently she has worked as Scientific Advisor to Secret World Wildlife Rescue (a wildlife charity specializing in badger rehabilitation), alongside small animal emergency medicine, academic and other part-time roles. Her main interest is the appropriate clinical care of British wildlife casualties. She is co-editor of the BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties and author of several other publications on wildlife medicine. She is a Past President of the British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS) and a current Officer of the British Veterinary Association (BVA).