Management of Hyperkalemia

When should hyperkalemia be treated?

It is usually from levels above 6.5 mEq/L. Above 7.5 mEq/L treatment should be more aggressive.


¿Qué fármacos usamos para tratarla?

DrugDoseMechanism of actionComments
Calcium gluconate 10%0.5 – 1.5 ml/kg slow IV with ECGIt reduces cardiac excitability by restoring the gradient between resting potential and threshold.It does not lower levels but provides cardoprotection.
Dextrose 50% 0.5 – 1.-5 ml/kg slow IVPromotes entry into the cell by activation of the Na-KATPase pumpSubsequently supplement serum with 2.5 – 5% glucose.
Insulin and dextrose 50%. 0.2 – 0.5 U/kg of rapid insulin and 2-4 4ml of 50% glucose per unit of insulinPromotes entry into the cell by activation of the Na-KATPase pumpSubsequently supplement serum with 2.5 – 5% glucose.
Sodium bicarbonate1-2 mEq/kg IV slow 15 minIncreases extracellular pH and favours entry into the cell in exchange for hydrogen
Terbutaline0.01 mg/kg slow IVPromotes entry into the cell by activation of the Na-KATPase pump


How often are values monitored once treatment is started?

Your values should be monitored hourly until they are established in the < 6.5 mEq/L range and remain stable there.

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