Sarah Pellet
BSc(Hons) MA VetMB CertAVP(ZM) CertAqV DZooMed(Reptilian) MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. WAVMA Certified Aquatic Veterinarian
Sarah graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2006. She has worked in first opinion and referral exotics practices and has completed the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Zoological Medicine). In 2016 she obtained the RCVS Diploma in Zoological Medicine and in 2017 became an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Sarah works as a locum for RSPCA Stapeley Grange and East Winch Wildlife Centres, in addition to working as a first opinion and referral vet seeing a wide range exotic animal cases.
Sarah is a veterinary adviser on invertebrate health for the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquaria (BIAZA) Terrestrial Invertebrate Working Group and a member of the committee for the Veterinary Invertebrate Society (VIS). Sarah is also on the British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS) Council.
Sarah is a member of the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA) and has completed the WAVMA Aquatic Veterinarian Certification Program in August 2023.
Sarah frequently peer reviews and writes for journals and has co-authored chapters in veterinary textbooks. Sarah presents at national and international conferences and lectures for CPD providers.