Tariq Abou-Zahr
BVSc CertAVP(ZooMed) DipECZM(Avian) MRCVS EBVS® and RCVS Recognised Veterinary Specialist in Zoological Medicine (Avian Medicine & Surgery)
Tariq graduated from the University of Bristol in 2014, having always wanted to be an exotic vet. Following the completion of his professional development phase in small animal general practice, he embarked on a 4-year combined internship and residency program in Avian & Exotic animal medicine at Great western Exotic Vets in Swindon. Following that, he moved back to his home city, where he now works at Valley Exotics in Cardiff, which offers a 1st opinion and referral clinical service for avian and exotic patients, having helped to establish the service. He is an RCVS and EBVS recognised specialist in Zoological Medicine(Avian). Tariq particularly enjoys avian and reptile medicine, but also sees a huge number of small mammals as part of his caseload. A keen herpetoculturist and aviculturist, he has been keeping birds and reptiles since he was a child and maintains a collection at home, which occupies a large portion of his time.