Veterinary training for daily practice

Theoretical and practical training to allow you to progress in your discipline

Veterinary training for daily practice

Theoretical and practical training to allow you to progress in your discipline

International Institute of Advanced Veterinary Education

Our vision transcends borders, offering innovative and high quality programmes designed and delivered by renowned speakers in each country to meet the specific needs of veterinarians and auxiliaries in different countries

At Ifevet International we contribute to the constant evolution and transformation in the professional development of Veterinarians by providing quality training based on clinical cases that guarantees academic excellence and allows you to advance in your professional career.

At Ifevet International we contribute to the constant evolution and transformation in the professional development of Veterinarians by providing quality training based on clinical cases that guarantees academic excellence and allows you to advance in your professional career

More than 500 renowned speakers

We have a teaching team composed of some of the most recognised clinical specialists in the veterinary sector, enabling us to provide the highest professional standard to meet the theoretical and practical requirements of any veterinarian

More than 500 renowned speakers

We have a teaching team composed of some of the most recognised clinical specialists in the veterinary sector, enabling us to provide the highest professional standard to meet the theoretical and practical requirements of any veterinarian

Recognised by universities internationally

University credits ECTS and PgCert. international credential (Postgraduate Certificate)

Recognised by universities internationally

University credits ECTS and PgCert. international credential (Postgraduate Certificate)

With our University Postgraduate you will obtain a PgCert. international credential

Our University Postgraduate Courses are made up of modules with training based on clinical cases in streaming and/or face-to-face format so that your learning can be applied in your day-to-day life from the very first moment.

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With our University Postgraduate you will obtain a PgCert. international credential

Our University Postgraduate Courses are made up of modules with training based on clinical cases in streaming and/or face-to-face format so that your learning can be applied in your day-to-day life from the very first moment. With university recognition, you will obtain your ifevet degree issued by a university.

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Validate University Postgraduate Programs with ECTS Credits

1 - What are ECTS credits?

In the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the acronym ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) reflects a credit system, which represents the workload of the student.

2 - How do I obtain ECTS credits?

To obtain ECTS credits and validate our University Postgraduate Programs within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), it is necessary to obtain the ifevet degree, which has university recognition. These credits will allow you to validate your university education.

3 - How do I obtain the ifevet degree?

To obtain the ifevet degree, you must successfully complete and pass the training program of any of our University Postgraduate Programs (divided into different modules). In this way, you can validate the title of university expert at the European level with ECTS credits.

Validate University Postgraduate Programs with ECTS Credits

1 - What are ECTS credits?

In the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the acronym ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) reflects a credit system, which represents the workload of the student.

2 - How do I obtain ECTS credits?

To obtain ECTS credits and validate our University Postgraduate Programs within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), it is necessary to obtain the ifevet degree, which has university recognition. These credits will allow you to validate your university education.

3 - How do I obtain the ifevet degree?

To obtain the ifevet degree, you must successfully complete and pass the training program of any of our University Postgraduate Programs (divided into different modules). In this way, you can validate the title of university expert at the European level with ECTS credits.

Brochures for Veterinary Postgraduates
All the information about our veterinary postgraduate courses
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Brochures for Veterinary Postgraduates
All the information about our veterinary postgraduate courses
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If you would like to request information about any of our training services, you can fill out the following form or contact us by phone or email

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