Would you know how to treat grape poisoning?

Grapes and sultanas are fruits of the genus Vitis spp. They cause acute renal failure in dogs due to proximal tubular necrosis.

Treatment will depend on the time of ingestion and the development of renal failure. If it is a recent ingestion without renal damage, it is recommended to induce emesis, administer repeated doses of activated charcoal and start fluid therapy to promote diuresis for 24-48 hours.

If the patient already has kidney damage, decontamination will be ineffective as the poison has been absorbed. Start fluid therapy to increase diuresis and avoid dehydration without causing fluid overload. We will also manage blood pressure by monitoring and treating hypertension if it occurs, for example with calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine. Treat GI complications with gastroprotectants and prokinetics. Consider transfusion if anaemia is severe. If renal failure does not respond to treatment, consider referral to a centre with haemodialysis capacity.

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