Maria Valentina Carrozzo
DVM, MVSc, Dipl.ECVAA, EBVS specialist MRCVS
2022: Diplomate of European College Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
2019 Western Acupuncture certificate
2014 – 2017: Master Veterinary Science and Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Residency Training Western College Veterinary Medicine, 52 Campus Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 5B4, Saskatchewan, Canada.
2008-2011: Post graduated Specialization “ Health and Animal welfare” mark 50/50. University of Perugia, Veterinary Medicine, Via San Costanzo, 4 – 06126 – Perugia, Italy.
2002-2007: DVM, Master Degree cum Laude.
University of Perugia, Veterinary Medicine Via San Costanzo, 4 – 06126 – Perugia, Italy.
September 2018 till now: clinical anaesthetist in different private practices (Eastcott referral hospital in Swindon, Veterinary Specialist Scotland in Livingston and Dental Vets at Haddington)
September 2017- to August 2018: Assistant Professor in Anaesthesiology
at Western College Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
2014 – to June 2017 – Anaesthesia Resident
at Western College Veterinary Medicine, 52 Campus Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 5B4, Saskatchewan, Canada.
2013 Anaesthesia Clinical Associate
At Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liége, Boulevard de Colonster, Campus du Sart Tilman, Bât. B44, B-4000 Liège-Belgium Phone: +32 483 38 21 14
2012 Anaesthesia Clinical Associate
At ENVA École National Vétérinarie d’Alfort , Small Animal Clinic, 7 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94704 Maisons-Alfort, France Phone +33 1 43 96 71 0
2007-2012 General practitioner in private practices ITALY
Reviewer for Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia journal
Volunteer helping candidates for orals exam preparation for ECVAA board
Willing to pursue HEA fellowship
2016 “Comparison of time to desaturation between dogs pre-oxygenated via face mask or flow-by technique before induction of anaesthesia” with Dr. B. Ambros at WCVM
2015 “Effects of two fentanyl constant rate infusions on thermal thresholds and plasma fentanyl concentrations in awake cats” Carrozzo MV.; Alcorn J.; Ambros B.
2015 “Cardiopulmonary effects of intra-thoracic insufflation in the anaesthetized horses in dorsal recumbency. With Dr. T. Duke at WCVM.
2014 Humans research project: “Haemodynamic and Cardiac output measurement in pigs under general anaesthesia” with Dr. DM. J. Gamble, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.
2016 Graduated Student Travel Award, University of Saskatchewan, Western College Veterinary Medicine.
2016 – Companion animal health found fellowship, University of Saskatchewan, WCVM.
2015 – First place poster presentation at 22nd Annual Life and Sciences Research Day Poster on College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, with the poster named: “Pharmacokinetics and Effects on Thermal Threshold of two Different Fentanyl Constant Rate Infusions in Awake Cats”. M.V. Carrozzo; J. Alcorn; B. Ambros.
Peer -reviewed journal:
1-“Collapse in a mare during standing sedation with a fatal outcome” Carrozzo MV.; Ambros B. Vet report case report 2020.
2- “Effects of two fentanyl constant rate infusions on thermal thresholds and plasma fentanyl concentrations in awake cats” Carrozzo MV.; Alcorn J.; Ambros B.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2018 Vol. 45, (6): 831
3- “Desaturation times between dogs preoxygenated via face mask or flow-by technique before induction of anesthesia” Ambros B.; Carrozzo MV, Jones T.;
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2018 Vol. 45,(4):452–458
4- «Cardiopulmonary effects of pleural insufflation with CO2 during two-lung ventilation in dorsally recumbent anesthetized horses». Bohaychuk K.; Carrozzo MV.; Duke T.;
Veterinary Anaesthesia Analgesia. 2017 May; 44(3): 483-49
5- “Feasibility of ultrasound-guided epidural access at the lumbo-sacral space in dogs.” Liotta A., Busoni V., Carrozzo MV., Sandersen C., Gabriel A., Bolen G.
Veterinary Radiology Ultrasound, 2015, 56 (2): 220-8.
2017 Poster presentation “Comparison of time to desaturation between dogs pre-oxygenated via face mask or flow-by technique before induction of anaesthesia” at Association Veterinary Anaesthetists, autumn meeting Berlin, Germany. First place poster presentation.
2016 Oral presentation “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of two different fentanyl infusions in awake cats” at Association Veterinary Anaesthetists, spring meeting, Lyon, France.
2016 Abstract accepted for presentation at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. “Blood pressure does not reflects Cardiac Output over a wide range of hemodynamic conditions” Dr. J. Gamble, University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine.
2015 poster presentation; 22nd Annual Life and Sciences Research Day at college of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.